Friday, July 22, 2016

Losing Weight by Eating Metabolism Food? Lose Your Bad Habits First

To lose weight you need food to increase your metabolism of course, but before you find the important ingredients you need to change your bad habits for a successful weight loss.

Healthy Eating

It doesn't have to be a tough quest changing your bad habits because you can start by using a simple trick of thinking simple. By thinking simple you avoid all the different information about how you should lose weight. All you need to do is to change your bad habits into some healthy habits.

The truth about achieving a lasting weight loss is the fact that all the changes you made when you were overweight and actually helped you to achieve your desired weight loss will continue to keep your weight down. These changes you have to implement in your daily schedule forever to stay slim and as such it also includes which foods that can increase your metabolism or what exercises are most beneficial for you in your daily time schedule.

How do you change your habits the easy way then? To answer this question I need to show you some simple examples of how to turn a bad habit into a good habit:

Espresso or Latte? Do you drink a lot of Latte each day? You consume a lot of calorie intake you probably don't know about. Drink Espresso instead and you avoid the extra calories.

Car or Walk? Do you like most people prefer to use the car for something you could manage by walking, cycling or taking the subway? Whatever reason you have for using the car, try considering if you could do this in combination with some physical action, not only for losing weight, but also to benefit your body and mind.

Whole Wheat or Whole Grain? Whole wheat saturates less than whole grain and its poor on nutrients. You should really only eat whole grain because of the fibers which make you feel full longer and they are nutrient dense with plenty of complex minerals, carbs, antioxidants, vitamins and of course fiber.

Eat & Drink or Active? Do you when you are with friends drink and eat as a social thing? Instead you could do physical activities like doing sport, exercising or just taking a walk together just once in a while.

Soda or Water? Soda tastes good and they give you the hunger for another one and another one and... Sodas are sugar bombs no matter what. If you want to lose some pounds you need to change soda with a non-sugar drink like water which is the best healthy way to increase your metabolism.

The Elevator or the Stairs? I'm not telling you to take the stairs 40 floors up or down but occasionally each day you should take the stairs a floor or two for some exercise instead of the elevator. Instead of sending a mail to a person one floor down, take a walk and talk to the person.

You can probably come up with a lot of these small habits you have which could be optimized including finding the food that increases metabolism and when you start changing these small habits you have found your way to not only losing weight right now but also to keep it a lasting weight loss.

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  1. Dumb. This is stuff people already know

  2. Dumb. This is stuff people already know

  3. Repetition is needed to educate people and master the concept and execution.
